Wednesday, January 30, 2008

What You Dont Know Can Hold You Back from Joining the Rich

Its one thing to have book knowledge. Many people know about Rich Dad Poor Dad and other books by Robert Kiyasaki including the newly released Why We want you to be rich by RK and Donald Trump.

E-learning is great, online education is great including Emerald Passports Passport to Prosperity. And to take it to the next level in wealth creation and personal development, EPIs Phase 2 product the Wealth and Self Conference transports you into a world of knowledge, contacts and opportunity that will accelerate your personal development, expand your contacts of key leaders and top income earners and set you up to benefit from Phase 2 income available with Emerald Passport.

When I attended the Wealth and Self Conference in Panama City Panama,

I had a fabulous time, met with key leaders from around the world, and sat next to top producers in EPI with opportunity to interact and network.

I have maintained several of these key contacts since the conference and they have been invaluable to me. Http://

As a social worker, I have been trained to recognize the value of being connected to resources and belonging to a community of like minded folks. You will find both resources and community with EPIs phase 2 conferences that you will want to attend and invite guests to over and over.

It is possible to become wealthy. Today there is more opportunity and more tools available for success in every field including online wealth creation than ever before. You need the right mindset, the right tools, the right contacts and the right knowledge to stay on track and achieve high performance. EPI offers all of this and more.

Tom Clute is a phase 2 director with Emerald Passport. For more information on how you can join Emerald Passport and enjoy the leverage of an automated system and $1000 per sale contact him at (541-746-6714). Http:// Alfreda Blog64530
Bette Blog37770

Wake Up and Live Your Passions!

What would you be doing, or how would you be living, that would make you want to get out of bed in the morning - excited and eager for your day? What would make you feel alive and energized? What is it that doesn't feel like work, but for which you could very well be handsomely paid? Wake up my friend!

This is your passion speaking.

For too many of us, the voice of our passion has been quieted, ignored, or put at the bottom of our to do list. Henry David Thoreau wrote in the 19th century that The mass of (men) live lives of quiet desperation. We all do if we are not connected to our passion and living what we are most passionate about.

When I began training employees of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in the mid-1980s, I was struck by a Friday conversation that had started on Monday. No matter what day of the week, most of the people in my groups were looking toward, talking about, and living for Friday afternoon, when they would be done with it all. I was astonished that people were willing to live in only two days out of seven. For most, the illusory comfort and security of a State job with benefits and a retirement plan were like the proverbial golden handcuffs. I wondered if their weekends were really different, or if they spent them trying to recover from the week before.

Yet, over the course of most of these trainings, people would get glimpses of who they were at heart, or what they were passionate about. Their faces would come alive, and eyes that were dull moments before would light up. This is an amazing transformation to experience. Often there were invisible performers in the room who had long ago stepped off the stage or put away their dancing shoes. However, we somehow discovered them before the day was over, and the atmosphere was such that they would come forward and perform for us before our time together ended. They came alive in front of the room. Interestingly, this all took place in Stress Management trainings. The connection is obvious, isnt it?

Over the course of this past week, I interviewed two new clients on the phone, both coming, in part, for work- and business-related issues. Toward the end of my conversation with the first I was drawn to ask, What are you so passionate about that if you were doing it, you would wake up in the morning and say to yourself, Wow, I get to do this! She burst into tears and said, Art, music and drama. These are the very things she had put away for years. I heard her voice come alive. These things will be part of our work together. With the second, what began as one conversation, ended with her stated dream of, I want to perform modern ballet with a company. She has now stepped onto this passionate path and this will be a part of our work together.

People, especially women, are starting small businesses in rapidly increasing numbers. In Massachusetts alone, 17% of the labor force is sole proprietors. The primary reason that most entrepreneurs I speak with came into business was because they had something they were passionate about.

Passion is the fire of life. When we are connected to our passion, and living our lives focusing on the things we are most passionate about, our work and our lives are heart work. We are excited about our day when we wake up and our lives are meaningful, purposeful, and deeply fulfilling.

Passion naturally taps into and opens up our valve to the limitless life force energy that is always available to us. When you are connected to your passion, your energy is natural and sustainable, like solar power. You no longer have to rely on adrenaline to get through the next hour; you no longer become exhausted and burn out.

Passion is the energy of attraction! Have you ever wondered why we are so drawn to watching professional athletes, movie stars or other performers? Why are we willing to pay so much to do so? We are drawn to their passion, to their vitality and to the heights it takes them. Why not step out of the spectator arena and instead become the passionate athlete in your life. When you live with passion, you become a magnet for people, opportunities and circumstances that support your passionate path. Passion is the key to absolute success in any endeavor.

When you connect or reconnect with your passion you come alive! You wake up to a life that is truly worth living - the life you were meant for and deserve to live. You make an enormous difference to those around you and to the world at large. As Harold Thurman Whitman wrote, What the world needs is people who have come alive.


Reserve 10 minutes of solitude. Have a pen or pencil and paper with you. Relax and get comfortable with a few conscious breaths.

Answer the following question: What are you so passionate about that if you were doing it you would wake up in the morning and say to yourself, Wow, I get to do this! Write down your answer.

Your answer may take your breath, make you feel like passing out, make you cry, go numb, or want to get up and dance. If you experience any of these things, youve connected with your passion. Dont worry; this is a part of the process.

Decide to prioritize your passion and begin organizing your life around it. You dont have to know how at this moment. For now, simply focus on this passionate what and the how will unfold.

Find a coach, a group or a buddy to work with that will support your passionate path unconditionally.

Remember, You are a natural! You are brilliant! You are magnificent! Simply by being you. Let your light shine!

Reggie Odom LICSW, CPCC, PCC founder of Inspired Works, is a Life Coach, speaker, and lecturer at the Simmons College School of Social Work. She is considered a master teacher and unforgettable speaker. Reggie ignites passion and confidence in creative individuals and small business entrepreneurs to live their dreams and create a life or business they love. She can be contacted at (617)524-6153, or you can visit her web site at Aleece Blog52762
Arline Blog69378

UK Bankruptcy Myths Exploded

When you go bankrupt you end up in jail, lose your house and your car and you are thrown onto the streets to fend for yourself for at least 5 years and also if you own a company then forget it mate will lose the lot!

What did you feel when you read that statement?

'Yeah I thought it was something like that' is the most common thought or reply I come across. I state categorically that all the above may be, and usually is, wrong depending on your circumstances.


Let me tell you some more about UK bankruptcy. The British government went to find out why small enterprise was booming over the pond but not so much in the UK. When the report came back looking in depth on many areas the British government concluded, amongst other factors, that the USA is so enterprising because they had made it easier for individuals to go bankrupt and start again having learnt from their mistakes.

This was the precursor to the changes in the Enterprise Act which impacted the way personal bankruptcy is handled amongst many other areas of finance in the UK today.

At the time of writing, bankruptcy in the UK usually lasts for no more than 12 months. In fact many people are discharged in less than 12 months depending on the circumstances around their bankruptcy. That's one year or less in most cases! Previously the usually time for an individual to be in bankruptcy was 3 years.

All that said, bankruptcy is a very serious step to take. It is a very public affair and the event can follow you for many years. Even after the bankruptcy has gone from your credit history financial institutions in particular often ask if you have ever declared yourself bankrupt. Your membership in some societies and associations may also be lost.

What can't you do during bankruptcy

Well you didn't think it was all a breeze did you? There are a number of things you need to be aware of:

1) You can't ask for more than 500 of credit without first informing the lender that you are bankrupt. That's usually the point at which they start sprinting away from you in their rush to not get their fingers burnt. Remember a lender doesn't just mean a bank, it can mean friends and family. Even if you agree to buy a car off a friend and they say here take it now and pay me the money next week then you are in a credit agreement probably worth more then 500 and so you have to legally tell them about your bankruptcy.

2) You cannot be a director of a limited company whilst your are bankrupt. If you area one-man band or a sole trader, this doesn't mean you cannot trade as a sole trader. Yes, you get to keep your business assuming you haven't traded fraudulently but you do lose your limited company status in this instance.

3) You will lose certain positions of authority. Think councillor or accountant or high-ranking police officer. There are many more roles that are affected. Do check with a professional that your job is not affected if you do decide to go bankrupt. Some companies actually have a 'no bankrupts' policy in their employment contracts. It's time to read your contract again.

Other stuff to consider

There is an impact on your credit file for 6 years. This means there is a record of your bankruptcy on your credit file that can be seen by lenders and anyone with access to your history.

Your name will appear in the local newspapers under the bankruptcy notices section and the London Gazette.

On the day of your bankruptcy all your bank accounts are frozen by the Official Receiver (the person appointed by the courts to administer your bankruptcy). If you owe that bank money on the day of your bankruptcy then it is unlikely they will reopen your account. Any accounts in credit will see that money going to the Official Receiver to go towards repaying costs and debts associated with the bankrutpcy.

The really nasty bit that your friend down the pub forgets to tell you

One of the Official Receiver's roles in administering your bankruptcy is to look at your assets and disposable income and determine your ability to repay your debts. If you have disposable income available then you may end up paying a proportion of that to the Official Receiver over the course of 3 years under an income payment order or income payment agreement. This is a commonly overlooked fact by many a 'lay person' giving debt advice down the pub to a friend. It's can also be a costly bit of overlooked advice.

What about your house and car?

Well this needs to be understood and talked through with a professional but the general rule of thumb is this:

If you own a house then the Official Receiver will take an interest in that property even if it is in negative equity. You may even lose your house in some circumstances even if you have a wife and child at home. The Official Receiver will also be looking to realise funds from the car, caravan or any other valuable asset (anything of value really, start thinking about pensions funds with a cash in value, windfalls, endowment policies, valuable artwork, intellectual property rights, websites....etc.). And this is not just in the run up to bankruptcy. If you have a windfall during your bankruptcy period then that is liable to be made available to the Official Receiver administering your case and paid towards their fees and the losses of your creditors.

What about HP agreements?

HP agreements usually have a clause that if you become bankrupt then the asset (usually a car) must be returned to your HP company. As the car legally belongs to the HP company it cannot be sold off by the Official Receiver. If you are meeting your regular payments to the HP company and the Official Receiver deems that the payments are reasonable for your needs then a conversation with the HP company would be prudent at the earliest opportunity.

If you are going bankrupt for a second time.

The other changes to the Enterprise Act means that people going bankrupt for a second time will likely be made bankrupt for at least 5 years and possibly up to 15 years before being discharged.

Be aware and get proper advice.

Do get good advice from somebody that will guide you through the whole process and not just send you off in the direction of the local courts. Do sit down and get an experienced professional to go through everything in detail. Be aware of all the factors that will affect you if you decide to go bankrupt. Whilst this article is accurate, it cannot be used to replace advice from a professional organisation.

Ed Pearson is a Debt Dr. Debt Dr specialise in debt help and advice for individuals and small businesses. Ed can be contacted on 0845 123 4000 or in confidence on 07970 659266. 'prescribing life without debt'

This article does not constitute regulated advice. Please remember that any action regarding financial advice should always be taken only after considering the specifics of your own situation.

Ed Pearson is a Debt Dr. Debt Dr offer real debt help and advice throughout the UK, not debt management or debt consolidation. Just 6 solutions that really work. Carrissa Blog97830
Cathee Blog75275

Tracking Customer Surfing Behaviors

A lot of people online are concerned about companies and services respecting their privacy, and with good reason too. There are many ways that people can be tracked online when they enter personal information into forms, submit files to websites, and generally just use the internet. Even google has been accused of overstepping the line of privacy by keeping very detailed records of peoples search habits.

You may have heard a little buzz on the forums of late about a new, covert way of spying on your market and tracking their surfing behaviours.

As with anything new, there's 2 opposing views

1/ You shouldn't because it's an invasion of privacy
2/ It's a perfectly legitimate part of marketing

Before I tell you which camp I'm in... lets examine what is going on.

First and foremost. There's nothing underhanded in this technique. Finding out what your market wants is a vital part of marketing.

It's been so since the first primitive man realized he could sell his clubs to other members in his tribe. How did he know they needed the clubs? By observation. Then it was just a matter of selling them the benefits of his club over other implements being used.

So, if observing others is a crime... then the whole human race is guilty.

Some, though, feel observing what your market does while looking at your sales copy on their computer is an invasion of privacy. Many of these people happily use other forms of tracking software though!

So, where's this new covert marketing tool different? It tracks what people do within each page. You can see what parts are being read, and which aren't. You can see where they leave and where they convert, either an order page link, Adsense link or something else within your site.

So the intelligence that's gathered gives you instant feedback on what works, or doesn't work on your sales page. Changing copy so it sells better to your market is no longer guesswork. You'll know exactly what to change so your market has a better, more emotionally rewarding experience.

If you do this... you could improve your sales conversion exponentially. Although you still have to test and be creative. It doesn't make you a better copywriter alone, just points out to you what parts of your copy need changing, so you can try something new and see if it works.

It probably feels like an invasion of privacy because of the way this software interprets the information gathered. It is so simple to understand.

However, as far as I'm concerned... it's no more an invasion of privacy than any other form of tracking.

I believe this intelligence gathering tool is something that can be harmlessly used by internet marketers and copywriters that want to write better sales pages. It's not as though they're looking at any personal data, just what you're doing when you're surfing their website. It's no more an invasion of privacy than a corner store mounting video cameras to monitor the aisles in their store as you shop.

Plain and simple, it's just a useful tool.

Jambhala Rinpo - - Join the affiliate program for this product and add your affiliate link into this article. This article is PLR, so it can be edited, changed, and you can claim authorship. Sign-up for the program at Blog77277
Betty Blog94984

Great Technical Writing: Has Anyone Ever Used Your Product?

Product documentation gives the feeling that nobody has ever used the product. Most documentation:

. Ignores the product's failings (warts), and how to overcome them.

. Leaves out tips that would improve the User's experience with the product

. Leaves out knowledge that experienced Users could share with the new User

Before you release a product, have some people use it. From these "test users" get solutions to problems, tips and knowledge that would help your real-life Users. Put that information in your User Documentation, and on your product support Website.

Three More Ways That Your User Documentation Fails Your Reader/User:

1. Ignores the product's failings (warts), and how to overcome them

Every product has "warts". Warts are the failings of your product. A wart might be something that the current version of the product cannot easily do, but needs to be done.

Here are some examples of product warts. Some of the warts can only be cured in the next version of the product:

. A telephone answering machine that has no wall mounting. It only takes a small change in the mold of the plastic for the back of the unit to enable screws to hold the device on the wall. The answering machine has its cable permanently connected to the device, making it difficult to use a shorter cable when needed.

. A word processor that has the most unusual and troublesome defaults. These cause the users a myriad of problems, including reformatting an entire document when a small change is made to the appearance of a piece of text.

. An electrical sub-panel for eight circuits that only has room for four ground wires. This makes it difficult to connect all the circuits.

. A five-stage water filter that does not mark which of its filters fit into which holder.

. A graphical (windowing) computer operating system where the mouse cursor jumps around the screen.

. A toaster oven with an electronic timer built in, that does not stay on long enough to toast an English muffin in one toasting session. (It only takes a larger resistor in the timing circuit to make it work properly.)

. A digital timer coffee maker (I love this product for its flaws and the flaws in the User Manual). Quiz: For home use, when do you think most people want to have coffee automatically brewed? I think it's in the morning. However when a user sets the clock, the time display starts at 12:00 A.M. But when the user sets the brew timer (when the coffee will begin brewing) the timer starts at 12:00 P.M. This is not just a flaw; this is silly.

The Users of your product need to know how to get around its warts. Think about these warts, how to overcome them, and the best way to tell the User the techniques you find.

If you do not think that your product has warts, then you may be living in a fantasy world. The entire concept of the "next version" of the product suggests failings in the product. If these shortcomings are not in the product itself, then they are failings in our understanding of how our User needs to/wants to use the product.

2. Leaves out tips that would help the User in his/her experience with the Product

After using any product, one comes up with tips for better use. Share these tips with your Users so they will have the best possible experience with your product.

Probably the most outrageous missing tip is a product feature that is not described anywhere in the User Documentation. I have a low-flush toilet. These toilets have been the butt (sorry about the pun) of jokes because they have trouble with large quantities of "solid waste." My toilet has an undocumented feature. If I hold the handle down the entire time the flush is taking place, there will be extra water to handle the large quantity of "solid waste." But it's not documented! That is really a missed tip!

Think about how your User might want to and need to use the product. Add tips to help him/her.

Almost all computer software documentation leaves out a very important tip. It's a fact of life that users change computers every few years. Yet software documenters never describe how to move the User's data from the old machine to the new one. This is a failure of most software documenters to face reality.

3. Leaves out knowledge that experienced Users could share with the Reader

A front-loading washing machine has two spin speeds: "Normal" and "Fast". The User Document merely says to 'set the spin speed.' However I am confused. The User Document writers should have told me the benefits and the costs of using each spin speed. This information would help me decide what speed to use for my particular situation.

Computer language reference manuals are another good example of missed knowledge sharing. In many languages (for example the C or C++ languages in the UNIX environment) there are many ways to perform an operation. In computer jargon there are many different functions (or methods) that a programmer can use to do something with the computer. Yet these language manuals do not provide the knowledge that will help a programmer decide which function or method to use. The developers of the language know. It is only a matter of sharing the knowledge.

A good rule of thumb is that if your User has to make a decision, provide the information that will enable him/her to make the best decision.

The knowledge need not only be gained from your own use of the product, but from the product's industry. Let me give you two examples:

. A blood pressure monitor: Its User Manual provides a chart of blood pressure ranges and their meaning. That is good.

. A dehumidifier (or, also true for humidifiers): Its documentation does NOT tell the best range for indoor humidity. That is not so good.

Often it only takes a small table or a few lines in the User Document to provide this beneficial information, yet for some reason it is left out.

Test in Real USER Life

I bought a device (an "FM transmitter") that enables my MP3 player to play through any FM radio. The problem is that the transmitter distorts the sound. However, if I turn down the volume on the MP3 player when connected to the FM transmitter, the distortion is reduced. There is no tip or instruction in the User Manual telling me to turn down the volume. When I hear the unclear sound, I'm disappointed in the product, and believe that the product does not work.

I am sure that the company tested their FM transmitter. I am also sure that they were careful to set the volume on the audio source (MP3 player) low enough as not to distort. That is NOT a Real User life test.

In real life, the User would set the volume for comfortable headphone listening. Then when connecting the device to the FM transmitter, the volume would be too loud and the sound from the FM radio would be distorted.

My guess is that either

. The people testing the product never set it to the Users' real-life volume settings (they did not test in Real USER life)

. Or, if they knew that the User's headphone volume would be too loud, they felt that "everyone could figure it out" and did not include this knowledge (as a tip) in their instruction sheet.

By including the volume-setting information, the User would be more satisfied with the product, and thus less likely to return it.

Solicit Real Users' Comments

Ask your Users to comment on their real-life experiences with your product. Have them provide you with the tips, techniques, and shortcomings that they have discovered while using the product. Publish this information in later versions of the product's User Document, and on your product's web pages.

The Bottom Line

Share the experiences that your organization has with the product. Add relevant tips to the User Documentation. Add the knowledge that you uncovered in your experience with the product. Give remedies for the product's warts.

Doing so will improve your Users' experiences with your Product. Improving your Users' experiences with your product will:

. Reduce support costs

. Improve sales

. Reduce product returns

And those are the things we want to do to help our company thrive.

Barry Millman, Ph.D., has been a consultant for over 25 years, an instructor, course developer, and award-winning speaker. For the past seven years he has been researching and creating resources to help organizations create great User Documents. Visit: for resources to help you create the content and access that your Users want and need.Alanna Blog1889
Cacilie Blog68589

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

The Carpal Tunnel is a passageway inside the wrist, a tunnel surrounded by bones and ligaments. Aiming to protect the median nerve, the nerve that runs down the arm and forearm into the hand, the Carpal Tunnel can sometimes be affected by a syndrome. This syndrome, called Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, occurs when abnormal pressure is placed on the median nerve, causing decreased hand and finger function and leaving those affected sometimes unable to perform even the simplest tasks.

Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome can develop for many years with no noticeable symptoms. However, when the first symptoms do appear they include burning or tingling sensations in the fingers, pain and numbness in the hand, an inability to grasp onto objects, and a weakness of the hands. Because Carpal Tunnel Syndrome involves the median nerve, it affects the parts of the hand that the median nerve supplies. These include the thumb, the index finger, the middle finger, and half of the ring finger. Since the pinky finger is not controlled by the median nerve, the pinky finger is not usually hindered by Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Those experiencing symptoms for the first time may notice that their Carpal Tunnel Syndrome flares up at night and that they can sometimes get relief by vigorously shaking their hand.

Known as a hidden disability, people with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome may fully function from the view of an outsider, with hands that are able to engage in most normal activities. But, the person with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome usually has some restriction of hand function or significant pain during hand movement.

What Causes Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is often caused by underlying conditions that place a strain on the median nerve, compromising the blood supply it delivers to the fingers. These can include existing diseases such as diabetes, which increases the sensitivity of pressure to the median nerve, and hypothyroidism, which can increase the amount of water retained in the arms and wrists.

Many causes of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome arent disease-based, however, causes can be generated from external stimuli, such as wrist injuries, fractures of the arm bone, and dislocation of one of the carpal bones in the wrist. Pregnancy, because it can cause swelling of the wrists, can also place pressure on the median nerve by narrowing the carpal tunnel.

Many instances of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome are thought to be idiopathic, having no obvious cause. However, even with idiopathic instances, certain activities can aggravate the symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. These can include using power tools or working on an assembly line, constantly performing repetitive - and sometimes awkward - motions. Certain people can even be born with an abnormally narrow carpal tunnel, making them predisposed to the syndrome that may accompany it.

While Carpal Tunnel Syndrome can affect all demographics, it is far more common in women than in men. It is also most common in those who are middle aged and post-menopausal. Obesity and tobacco use increases a persons risk.

Treatment of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Many people with a mild case of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome will find relief simply in adjusting their lifestyle and workstyle habits. While foregoing repetitive wrist activity may not be feasible, particularly when a career is based on repetitive motion, allowing the wrist time to rest while at work and at play can greatly relieve the symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Resting the wrist for great lengths at a time may seem like a reasonable break, but studies have shown that it is more beneficial for those afflicted by Carpal Tunnel Syndrome to take several small breaks, rather than one that is lengthy. Applying cold packs to relieve any swelling of the hands and wrists is also a helpful form of treatment.

For those with a case of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome that is not aided by rest or cold compressions, wrist splinting is an alterative form of treatment. A person, wearing a splint that keeps their hand still while they sleep, may notice that the symptoms of burning, tingling, and pain are greatly relieved. Wrist splinting, however, is usually only helpful for those who have had symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome for less than a year.

While Carpal Tunnel Syndrome certainly doesnt have a magic pill serving as an antidote in its healing, there are certain medications that can relieve its pain and discomfort. These can include Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (or NSAIDs) for those whose condition is brought on by inflammation or Corticosteroids to relieve the pressure on the median nerve, decreasing the pain in the process.

The literal hands-on approach of spinal manipulation and deep friction massage can help manage the swelling that is pressing on the median nerve, causing the symptoms to flare up. Manual stretches of the wrist and tendons, additionally, can help increase the blood flow to the hand.

While the evidence is not conclusive, some speculate that dietary changes may lead to diminishing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome symptoms by arming the body with the nutrients it needs to repair nerve damage and decrease inflammation. By taking something as simple as a multi-vitamin, pressure from the median nerve may be diminished, allowing it to repair itself back to its natural state.

While the above mentioned treatment options are usually limited to being beneficial to those who have mild to moderate cases of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, for those who have severe cases, surgery may be the best option.

Though there are several approved surgeries for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, they all involve the same theme of the cutting of the ligament that is pressing on the median nerve. They are also all procedures done on an out patient basis, with a small incision cut in the wrist or the palm and a recovery time of just a few weeks. While not all surgeries are successful in relieving the symptoms, roughly 70 percent of patients who choose surgery report satisfaction with the outcome.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome can happen for reasons that are understood and for reasons that are unknown. However, practicing self-care can prevent some of the symptoms that arise no matter the underlying cause. From keeping hands warm to improving posture, and from relaxing the grip while performing tasks with the hands to taking frequent breaks, the best chance at preventing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome usually lies with some conscientious effort.

About us: The Center for Osteopathic Medicine in Boulder, Colorado believes in The Osteopathic Difference. In a medical industry focused on treating symptoms, The Center is more focused on finding the cause of these symptoms. The Osteopathic Difference is the application of "Hands on Therapeutics" for both the diagnosis and treatment of complaints, disorders, and pain. The Osteopathic Difference will apply the time proven osteopathic fact that function is directly related to structure, and poor structure will lead to poor function.

While The Center tries to focus on health, and above all else, prevention for all those who cross into its threshold, sometimes the best that can be done is to recognize the source of the DIS-EASE," and to teach every individual how to manage their symptoms. Believing that it is the most important aspect of any treatment regime, and that it is the primary job of the health care practitioner, The Center works to empower the patient in the maintenance of their own health.

Achieving health is also an elusive place, and The Center will work tirelessly to create a path to health which, when embraced by the patient over time, will allow the patient to enjoy a positive return on their rehabilitation investment. The Center teaches a Mindfulness Yoga Program that aims to educate the patient in the power of the mind to minimize, if not rid the body of, aches and pain. Although the ultimate goal of health is to live without the use of drugs, natural or otherwise, The Center for Osteopathic Medicine recognizes the importance of medicinals and their appropriate use. All styles of "Hands on Manipulation" are practiced at The Center. By combining these Manipulative techniques with Structural Integration, massage, meditation and Western Medicine, The Center for Osteopathic Medicine helps people to identify disease before it manifests, quiet pains that have been previously diagnosed as Chronic, and embrace a holistic mindset to Live in the Present- and within that presence, live completely well.

The information discussed in this article is for informational and educational purposes only. If you are experiencing symptoms of a health problem, please visit your doctor. The material discussed on this website is not meant to replace the opinion or diagnosis of a medical professional.

Jennifer Jordan is a senior editor for Specializing in articles related to health and wellness, the material she writes is intended to arm people with the resources they need to live a life of wellness and completeness.Anallise Blog98955
Allison Blog19579

The Right Price for Your Home

Your Realtor wants to sell your home as soon as possible, for the best price. He or she will use a Comparative Market Analysis to help you determine a fair price for your home. A comparative market analysis is based on information from similar properties in the area. The analysis uses information on properties that are currently for sale, properties that have already sold, and expired properties (ones which did not sell). The current sale price of similar homes will indicate what the competition is asking. Properties that have recently sold will indicate what buyers are willing to pay, just as properties which have expired may indicate what buyers are not willing to pay.

By carefully considering these three aspects your Realtor is able to determine a "fair market value"--the price which a buyer is willing to pay and the seller is willing to receive for the property.

In the real estate world, a large group of people are looking to buy homes at any given time. These are the seller's best prospects. This ready group of buyers is wasted, however, if your house is overpriced.

While shopping for a home, buyers will visit many similar homes in their price range and measure the features of each one against the price. They decide which house offers them the maximum value for the price. Buyers do not expect a home to be a "steal" or dramatically under-priced, but they do expect it to be a fair value. If your home is overpriced and they have been shopping around and comparing properties, they will probably refuse to look at your home. You and your Realtor may know that you would sell for $10,000 less, but the buyers do not know this. As a result, your overpriced property may receive little attention.

Don't be fooled into thinking your house is worth more than someone is willing to pay for it, or that it's just a matter of waiting for the "right" buyer to show up. Surveys show that the longer a house is on the market before being sold, the greater the drop in price from the listing price when it does sell. The buying public eventually sets an accurate price. An overpriced house just sits on the market, waiting for a price adjustment before it will attract a buyer.

Consequently, your Realtor may advise you to reduce the asking price if buyers fail to surface after a certain period of time on the market. If you are serious about selling your home, you should take your Realtor's advice. If the first price reduction doesn't generate a buyer, another reduction may be necessary. The monetary value of a house is only what someone is willing to pay for it, but if the market analysis is done correctly, you will get the maximum amount--and a timely sale.

Sean Remington is a REMAX Platinum Club Member along with a Committee Ambassador - Albuquerque Economic Development. To learn more about Sean or Albuquerque Real Estate, point your browser to Blog5741
Celie Blog61846

Earn An Online Education Degree

Today, one can earn an online degree or certification in diverse fields of education and employment industries through online courses that are readily accessible twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. As an off-campus student, individuals gain access to fully-accredited online coursework and degree programs without ever having to leave the comforts of their own homes or personal offices; thus creating a more relaxed learning atmosphere.

Online courses range from arts and humanities, health and medicine, business, science and technology, computers, social sciences, education and teaching, trades and careers, and many more.

If you pursue an education online, you will be able to get either a bachelors degree or an associates degree in one of the many courses that are offered. Along with many choices of courses, there are also a wide variety of online schools available.

Overall, online education is much less expensive than going to a traditional school because you save on travel, time, and the courses themselves cost less. Much of the time you are able to get your degree much quicker and with much more ease in an online program than at a traditional college.

You're thinking about furthering your career or finally getting your college degree. But with so many educational choices online, how do you know whether it's right for you? Here are some pointers you should consider, before making your decision. There are many factors motivating adult learners to continue their education, particularly with the ease of online institutions.

These can range from:
advancing your career,
seeking a raise, or
simply an eagerness to learn new skills or new knowledge.

This motivation is important, because you wont have anyone else standing over you forcing you to attend class or turning in your assignments. Therefore you should carefully consider if youre a self-motivating adult learner who can thrive in the online environment before enrolling.

Currently, there are virtually hundreds of online schools, universities and colleges that cater to the needs of working persons and/or homebound individuals.

Aside from online certification and continuing education courses, ambitious students can conveniently earn not only an Associate's Degree in respective fields of education, but can also earn up to a Doctorate's as well.

Whether aspiring students wish to attain online continuing education units, or simply want to fulfill their career goals by earning an online degree in which particular field interests them, an online education meets and often exceeds the expectations of enrolled candidates.

There are several advantages to pursuing a degree or training online. You can do it at your own speed in your own time. While a degree at a traditional university or college may take 2 to 4 years, you can cut that time short or stretch it out as needed. You can get loans, financial aid and flexible financing just as you would at any other school. Just be sure that the online university is accredited and that your online credits will be recognized in your chosen industry or career field. Get online and get ahead!

This article has been published by Kateri White currently writing on online degree programs topics for our website For more details about the online degree programs, please visit our website. If any mistake found please mail Blog76912
Catlaina Blog97178

The Andy Griffith Show (Season 6) DVD Review

One of the most beloved shows in television history, The Andy Griffith Show takes its viewers back to a simpler time of small town America, apple pie, and black and white television The trademark whistling theme song is one of the most recognizable in history, and the duration of the show in syndicated reruns is unrivaled by its peers. The Andy Griffith Show follows the exploits of the small town of Mayberry and its family values, no nonsense sheriff Andy. Widowed, and father to a small boy named Opie (Ron Howard), Andy is joined in Mayberry by his sidekick Deputy Barney Fife, his relative and housekeeper Aunt Bee (Frances Bavier), and a host of other eccentric characters.

But the show stealer is Barney Fife (Don Knotts) who plays the role of a sometimes incompetent, kooky deputy always in over his head. The onscreen dynamic between Griffith and Knotts is truly magical. Both men would go on to heralded careers in show business with Knotts starring in numerous roles, such as Mr. Furley on Threes Company, and Griffith as the title star of Matlock. And Ron Howard (Opie) would go on to establish himself as one of Hollywoods most well-known directors

The Andy Griffith Show (Season 6) DVD features a number of hilarious episodes including the season premiere Opies Job in which Opie falls into a heated competition with another boy for a grocery store job, prompting Opie to run all over Mayberry delivering goods in an attempt to please his boss Other notable episodes include Off to Hollywood in which Andy receives a one-thousand dollar royalty check for his idea for a show Sheriff Without a Gun, prompting those around him to convince him to take a trip to Hollywood with the money, and Aunt Bee Learns to Drive in which Aunt Bee buys a car from Goober so she can learn to drive for herself and not be reliant on others for transportation

Below is a list of episodes included on The Andy Griffith Show (Season 6) DVD:

Episode 160 (Opies Job) Air Date: 09-13-1965
Episode 161 (Andys Rival) Air Date: 09-20-1965
Episode 162 (Malcolm at the Crossroads) Air Date: 09-27-1965
Episode 163 (Aunt Bee, the Swinger) Air Date: 10-04-1965
Episode 164 (The Bazaar) Air Date: 10-11-1965
Episode 165 (A Warning from Warren) Air Date: 10-18-1965
Episode 166 (Off to Hollywood) Air Date: 10-25-1965
Episode 167 (Taylors in Hollywood) Air Date: 11-01-1965
Episode 168 (The Hollywood Party) Air Date: 11-08-1965
Episode 169 (Aunt Bee on TV) Air Date: 11-15-1965
Episode 170 (The Cannon) Air Date: 11-22-1965
Episode 171 (A Mans Best Friend) Air Date: 11-29-1965
Episode 172 (Aunt Bee Takes a Job) Air Date: 12-06-1965
Episode 173 (The Church Organ) Air Date: 12-13-1965
Episode 174 (Girl-Shy) Air Date: 12-20-1965
Episode 175 (Otis the Artist) Air Date: 01-03-1966
Episode 176 (The Return of Barney Fife) Air Date: 01-10-1966
Episode 177 (The Legend of Barney Fife) Air Date: 01-17-1966
Episode 178 (Lost and Found) Air Date: 01-24-1966
Episode 179 (Wyatt Earp Rides Again) Air Date: 01-31-1966
Episode 180 (Aunt Bee Learns to Drive) Air Date: 02-07-1966
Episode 181 (Look Paw, Im Dancing) Air Date: 02-14-1966
Episode 182 (The Gypsies) Air Date: 02-21-1966
Episode 183 (Eat Your Heart Out) Air Date: 02-28-1966
Episode 184 (A Baby in the House) Air Date: 03-07-1966
Episode 185 (The County Clerk) Air Date: 03-14-1966
Episode 186 (The Foster Lady) Air Date: 03-21-1966
Episode 187 (Goobers Replacement) Air Date: 03-28-1966
Episode 188 (The Battle of Mayberry) Air Date: 04-04-1966
Episode 189 (A Singer in Town) Air Date: 04-11-1966

Britt Gillette is author of The DVD Report, a blog where you can find where you can find more reviews of movies and TV series. Source: Blog52321
Cammi Blog58754

Home Business Copywriting Ideas

When you do any online research about home based businesses, you will likely find thousands of results that tell you that the most successful and easiest business to start from your home is a copywriting business. You can make a great living without ever having to get dressed or leave the privacy of your own home.

Out of all the home businesses that give you the option of solely working from home, such as marketing programs and designing companies, copywriting is still touted to be the best of its kind.

The biggest reason that copywriting has been dubbed the perfect at home business is due to the extremely low startup costs. You really dont have to have any special talent, just be able to write in good English and grammar, mix in a little creativity, and you are raring to go.

If you have had any previous writing experience at all, you simply just boot up your computer, and go to work. For those who have little to no experience, but are still interested in starting a copywriting business from home, they should check out one of the many online classes available that teach you the writing basics you will need to know in order to get started.

Another benefit of an at home copywriting business is that you have the option of working your day job, and running the business on the side, or just simply depending on your copywriting business for your sole full-time source of income.

Few people are able to just up and quit their job to try and work from home, as they dont have the capital needed to make ends meet while waiting on the profits to start rolling in. Home copywriting is also taking off with stay at home moms who are interested in contributing to the household income while still staying at home to care for their children, they can work when their schedule allows, and care for the family as needed.

The best of both worlds all in one tidy package, especially since the money made by these moms is extra income, there is no risk involved, and their family wont starve if it doesnt work out.

You can start this business no matter how old you are, what gender you are, or what type of physical condition that you are in. If you can write, and are physically able to sit at the computer and type, then you can do this work.

The success of your home copywriting business is not affected by changes in the economy. There will still be work for you, even if unemployment rates rise, and the cost of living and interest rates go up. The better the economy, the more work you will probably get, but no matter how bad it is, you will still have work to keep your business afloat, unlike some other home based businesses out there.

If you want to earn some extra money, for whatever the reason, then you should consider beginning your own at home copywriting business. If you do good work, and become highly sought after, you may be able to produce enough income to be able to stay at home and work fulltime for yourself. Wouldnt it be nice to tell your boss goodbye, and know that you would still be financially secure?

Vincent Murphy is the Webmaster/Owner of the Website/Home Business Copywriting Ideas. To Join His Newsletter All About Making Money Online Send A Blank Email To: Blog81557
Bernardine Blog69586

The Future of Cars, Unleashed is singing a new tune for future car trends. Recently, it has reported the upcoming trends of cars that will hit the market in the coming years. 15 new innovations are predicted to wow car enthusiasts in the next 10 years.

According to Patrick Olsen, managing editor of, "You can find some of these innovations on the market today, and the technology exists to incorporate many of these innovations in the near future. Cost and consumer demand will help determine whether these innovations become standard, become options for select luxury vehicles--or never make it out of development."

Car innovations include advanced flexible fuel systems that could allow all types of fuel interchangeably. From gas, hydrogen, diesel, E85 to electric and battery power, name it and the fuel system can handle them. There is also the anticipated invasion of active tires. These tires are made from synthetic compound that can be transformed any time to manage various road conditions with just one push of the button. Another expected innovation is the autopilot where the driver does not literally drive because his car is guided by the navigation system.

Aside from the aforementioned, lane charger warning that monitors traffic, camless engines that demands airflow according to the cars workload, and self-repairing paint that prevents scratches are also expected to amaze the automotive market in the coming 3 to 5 years. Also included in this time frame are the launching of navigation systems with real-time traffic information, electric window tinting and self-parking cars.

Within 2 years expected car innovations include keyless entry and ignition, collision mitigation system which prepares a car for an accident, automotive black box, adaptive break lights, economy mode cars, and computer center cars that can manage calls, emails, music and music.

The automotive industry never fails to amuse car fanatics with its amazing innovations. In the coming years, expect more exciting and fabulous innovations from Toyota accessories, Volkswagen accessories, Volvo accessories and the rest of the renowned car manufacturers. Also expect that auto parts go with these changes.

Shane Morgay is a 34-year-old native of Ohio. She love cars and knows detailed information about them. She has a collection of miniature car collectibles and would love to have these collectibles become real ones. She works for a car part supplier most days of the week.Arlen Blog59317
Athena Blog17165

The Nintendo Wii is NOT the Game Cube

As Nintendo chief Miyamoto says about the Wii

The hardware is basically a GC. Weve upgraded our development tools to new versions but, you can still use GC programs as they are. With that in mind, I thought we could remake GC titles for the Wii and modify them to work with the Wii remote so that theyre more fun to play.

This statement been making its speedy journey around the web, with the predictable result.

i tuld u tha Wee sux0rs! Thus proving the Wii is infact.. a repackaged gamecube Rofl @ Nintendo

The argument need to be split in half to avoid confusion. Lumping the two arguments together ends in a negative situation, where neither of the debating parties can influence the opposition.

Firstly, The Wii is GameCube 1.5?

Miyamoto, in his cute little Wish we had an international auxillary language to stop english speaking l33t gamers from mocking our consumers way, was accurate with his statement. The hardware is similar to the GameCube. WAIT! Dont go running away just yet, for here is a word equation that will float your boat.

The Nintendo Wii hardware is similar to the Gamecube, as A gaming PC is similar to a Windows 95 word processing computer.

What! Says you, but my uber el33tzo0r Gaming PC has 4 GB of Ram! It has 6.7 Gigahertz of processing power! THINK. Instead of thinking about the technological specifics of hardware capabilities, when the above statement is made, one is referring to the style in which hardware and software are created. The Architecture of the device.

Going out on another tangent, Nintendo would not be stupid enough to make the GameCube mistake again. The GC was not a high point for flailing Nintendo. Why now, riding on the success of the Nintendo DS, an innovative handheld device that has taken the world by storm, would Nintendo choose to release an updated version of a failure?

Wii Vs Xbox360 Vs Playstation3

To be blatantly honest, the next-gen console battle will be fought between the Xbox360, and the Playstation3. Unfortunately for Sony and Microsoft, they have launched products capable of the same types of activities, with the same types of controls and the same types of games. Its a marketing battle to see who will triumph. But for those looking for new, innovative [ie: Not BluRay] technology with an element of fun and a totally unique experience will choose the Wii. There is nothing else on the market to compete with it.

So who would buy the Wii? Just little kids right? Nintendo has many different demographics to target. From the very young, to the very old. The DS has opened the eyes of previously video game free generations, and inspired those just entering the market, as well as gameboy fans looking for a quality handheld. Half-core gamers want something fresh. they want to play with their friends and have fun. They dont want to shell out big bucks for a gaming system, but would be happy to pay a much lower price for entertainment.

You can not compare consoles on specifications alone. You must use implementation examples to compare things. On paper, the Playstation 3 is the strongest console. Better than the Wii, better than the Xbox360. But does it have quality games? Will there be many games? Will Sony finally be able to create a game that creates a third of the hype that Halo does? Until all consoles have been released internationally, it is futile to argue over which console is superior and which will succeed.

The Nintendo Wii is not a Game Cube. As the old saying goes, its like comparing apples and oranges. Both are in the same general class, yet there are fundamental differences that make comparing them pointless.

Kit Allen, the chief contributor to Nintendo Blog, wrote this article to inform the world about the Nintendo Wii.Augusta Blog7775
Alysia Blog68302

Blue World Pool: the perfect balance of health and fun

Swimming pools have been around for much longer than you or me. It can be traced back to the 3rd millennium BC great bath constructed at Mohenjo-Daro civilization which was a part of the Indus Valley civilization located in the Sindh province of Pakistan. Ancient Romans and Greeks also built swimming pools and used them for athletic and military training besides recreational purposes and bathing. The first heated swimming pool was built by Gaius Maecenas of Rome in the first century BC. Gradually over the time bathers became swimmers and bathing pools became swimming pools. So the part that a swimming pool plays in our lives can be traced back to many centuries. Since then civilization has traveled a long way and though swimming pool plays an equally if not more important part in our present day world, life has become much simpler. Now acquiring a swimming pool is just a matter of a phone call.

A Blue World Pool dealer can easily ensure that you become a proud owner of this luxury called swimming pool with no effort on your part. In many parts of the world owning a private swimming pool is still a matter of luxury and can give you a status symbol if you have a Blue World Pool installed in your backyard. Installing a Blue World pool would only involve a phone call to a reputed dealer on your part. The design, style, color and shape of the pool will be customized according to your taste and preference which ensures that the Blue World pool fits in with the dcor of your home. The swimming pool that you get installed in your home could be either an on-ground or in-ground pool. The in-ground pool also known as sunken pool can be of three main types which are vinyl liner, concrete and fiber-glass. On-ground or above ground pool is generally more economic than a sunken pool. It is also more popular in northern countries where ground freezing makes excavation a difficult process and there is also the danger of the pool structure being damaged.

So before you actually get a swimming pool installed you could perhaps consult the Blue World pool dealer on the kind of pool that will be most suitable for your home. The family members are sure to be thrilled with the installation of their very own swimming pool and the children also gain instant popularity with their friends for the pool parties that will become a regular feature in your home. A Blue World pool is not only the best way for you and your loved ones to unwind but swimming is also one of the best forms of exercise that gives you a complete workout without you realizing it. So once you have made up your mind to install a swimming pool you can simply go ahead and call a Blue World pool dealer and prepare yourself to have a great time every time with your family and the pool, all from the comfort of your home.

Eric Wills advises people on installing and setting up swimming pools.He has been working in this field for many years. For any information on Blue World Pools,blue world pool dealer, blue world hot tubs and swimming pools financing visit: Blog77796
Bernita Blog95376

Six Teachers from Spain to Teach in the Ohio Schools

Susan Tave Zelman, superintendent of public instruction for the Ohio schools, welcomed six visiting teachers from Spain, who will be teaching in the Ohio schools this coming school year.

Last year, the Ohio schools signed a memorandum of understanding with the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science, Spains sponsor for the visiting international teacher program. The ministry started the program in 1986 and has since provided 1,500 visiting teachers to the United States. This is the first year of participation for the Ohio schools.

Spanish language educators have been in short supply in the Ohio schools, yet they are in critical demand in order to prepare Ohio schools students for their future and the new millennium. With only 200-225 foreign language teachers being graduated from the 25 or so Ohio colleges and universities, the Ohio schools see the visiting teacher program as a plus for everyone.

The visiting educators will teach their native language, culture and history to middle and high school students, while helping the school districts to expand or maintain their Spanish language programs. The teachers will, in return, gain a first-hand experience of American culture, improve their own English language proficiency, and develop new relationships that hopefully will be lasting ones.

The Ohio schools students will benefit greatly from the program, too. The National Governors Association already has called for state public school systems to expose their students to the global world in which they now live. The association believes that global thinking and learning is essential in the future of todays students. The Ohio schools are accepting this challenge by participating in the visiting teacher program to ensure their students learn to speak another language, as well as understand and appreciate another culture.

Whether Ohio schools students work in the United States or abroad in the future, the exposure today will benefit them tomorrow. Of the U.S. population, 12 percent are Hispanic. Ohios own Hispanic community has grown from approximately 140,000 in 1990 to about 217,000 in 2000. Some states, such as Florida, Texas and California, have even greater communities of Hispanic residents.

Currently, only 45 percent of students across the nation take a foreign language in high school. Ohios Governor Taft has proposed that all Ohio schools students be required to take at least two years of foreign language study, though it is not yet a requirement.

The six educators that will teach in the Ohio schools during the 2006-2007 school year are:

Maria Espada Blanco from Madrid, Spain. Maria will teach in the Constellation Community Schools in Parma, Cuyahoga County

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, Which provides free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Patricia has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues.Cecile Blog89172
Cal Blog68275

Questions to Help You Pick a Focus to Accomplish 20 Times as Much

A mistake that many people make is to focus on relatively unimportant activities in creating 2,000 percent solutions (ways of accomplishing 20 times as much with the same time, effort, and resources). Why not gain as much benefit from your efforts as possible?

Now, let's look at questions to help you achieve great results. I suggest that you jot down your answers. These notes will be helpful to you when you repeat the eight step process in the future by reminding you of what you did and did not consider.

1. What activities in your organization have the most positive impact on total profits now?

For a mining company, the answer may be reducing the cost of raw materials by extracting the lowest cost ore first. For a manufacturing company, the answer may lie in avoiding costly errors in its products so that rework and warranty costs are avoided. For a wholesaler, the answer may lie in purchasing the lowest cost items and being able to keep those goods in stock with low inventory levels. For a brokerage firm, it may be interesting clients in trading more frequently in profitable ways for the clients and the firm.

2. What activities in your organization will have the most impact on total profits five years from now?

For the mining company, the answer may be locating new sources of lower cost ore. For the manufacturing company, the answer will often lie in redesigning products and developing new products that are less expensive to make and cause fewer errors in producing. For the wholesaler, the answer may lie in creating new computer systems that allow for more efficient purchasing and management of inventory. For a brokerage firm, the opportunity may be adding new services and increasing the value of existing services to attract more profitable clients and retain them longer.

3. In which of these activities do you suspect that some of your organization's efforts are much more productive than the least effective efforts?

Although you cannot know until you measure, you have probably observed differences in performance or heard stories that lead you to believe that there are differences in some areas. These differences may occur from individual to individual (such as how rapidly and correctly transactions are processed), office to office among people doing the same function (such as regional sales and administrative operations), or from plant to plant producing the same item.

4. What measurements already exist that could help you identify the size and value of these differences in performance?

Convenient measurements may not be readily available for this purpose, but could be assembled to help you understand differences. For instance, you may have individual productivity by employee in some performance areas. Those individual data could be combined to determine if office by office productivity differs. That measurement would help because it could identify superior management practices in some locations that are not performed in other locations. Many people assume that such measurements only exist in accounting, information technology and manufacturing functions. Be sure to also ask people who work in the activities that interest you. You may be pleasantly surprised to find out that there are other measurements in place that you have never seen.

5. What measurements could you inexpensively add for other high value opportunities where you have no information about relative performance now?

Talk with those who would have to be involved in making the new measurements to learn their ideas about what can be done easily and inexpensively. Then, take a little time to make these measurements on a one-time basis. Later you can decide if it is worth continuing these new measurements.

6. What do your existing measurements already suggest are the greatest differences in the value of performance?

In looking at this question, you should be sure to consider the economic impact of differences in performance as well as the percentage size of the differences in performance. For example, your most productive salesperson may be selling 50 times as much as the least productive. But if everyone operated at that level, you might only save one percent of revenues. If everyone matched your most productive design engineer in finding less costly and more valuable ways to redesign existing products and design new ones, you might save as much as five percent of revenues. Obviously, the latter alternative would be the one to work on first assuming that all else is equal.

7. Where do you think that the greatest value differences in performance are among areas where you have no measurements available?

8. How hard will it be to make improvements in performance in the most valuable opportunity activities identified in questions 6 and 7?

When answering this question, you need to consider difficulty, risk of not succeeding, cost of working on the problem compared to what you can afford and how long you can expect it to take in the worst case. Many such changes are difficult. The most challenging are those performance areas where people have to change their long-held habits and beliefs. Don't rely solely on your own judgment in answering this question. Speak with those who work in those areas as well as outside experts who have helped organizations improve performance in these areas.

9. What area of performance improvement should be your top priority?

My suggestion is that you pick an area with a high payoff which can probably be improved rapidly with fewer resources and risk than other activities you are considering. Be sure to consider the potential enthusiasm with which those who will need to change will probably view the necessary adjustments. If in doubt, pick the activity where enthusiasm is highest for the needed changes.

Copyright 2007 Donald W. Mitchell, All Rights Reserved

Donald Mitchell is chairman and CEO of Mitchell and Company, a strategy and financial consulting firm in Weston, MA. He is coauthor of six books including The 2,000 Percent Squared Solution, The 2,000 Percent Solution, The Portable 2,000 Percent Solution, and The 2,000 Percent Solution Workbook. You can read about his work on improving effectiveness and find free excerpts from The 2,000 Percent Solution at: .Celie Blog18243
Benetta Blog47462

Thrive on Shift & Change

"Bodacious" means to be bold, outstanding, and remarkable. Take those attributes to work and you're on your way to building a fulfilling, bodacious career. Does having a bodacious career sound exciting to you? It is! After starting as an $8 an hour customer service rep, I rose through the ranks of AOL, accepting four promotions and surviving over six layoffs to become the head of corporate training for 12,000 employees. Along the way I learned I needed to be bodacious to achieve the career I wanted. Out of that experience I created my "cheat sheet" of ten essential Bodacious Career Builders. Here's number seven: Thrive on Shift and Change.

At AOL, my entire career was about rapid shift and change. For the first seven years, I was totally focused on the call center. I was promoted from customer service rep to trainer to training manager and then to call center manager. Soon other areas of my life namely one last-ditch effort to save my marriage after a year's separation demanded that I make a major change. I needed to shift some of the energy I was dedicating to AOL into reviving my marriage

I considered leaving the company altogether, but that seemed too drastic. So I started looking around the company to see where else I might be able to offer value. After 10 years and more than 1200 employees, the company still had no management training program and the new human resources VP was looking for a corporate training manager.

I knew I could help in developing and influencing this group of contributors. I thought I could have a greater impact throughout the organization and remove myself from the pressure-cooker atmosphere of the call center. Instead of ten- to twelve-hour days, maybe I could reduce it to eight or nine.

I didn't wait until I saw a job posting. I took the initiative and contacted the VP Although I was motivated to make a change for personal reasons, I emphasized to him my desire to help build the company from the inside out by quickly developing skilled managers. I didn't want him to know about my personal life, partly because it wasn't his concern but also because I wanted to maintain my reputation for being competent, efficient, and successful. So, courage in hand, I asked for a new role. Within a few days he made me a job offer; corporate training manager. My burgeoning Bodacious Career took another turn.

>From this experience and countless others, I gained a few ideas about dealing with change. Consider these for your own Bodacious Career.

As you thrive on shift and change, expect some initial discomfort. Old weaknesses and insecurities that you managed to efficiently camouflage in the old systems suddenly make themselves obvious again. The stress of change can lower your immunity system and cause you to catch the flu, a cold or a case of hives. You may temporarily feel like a mess.

Learn to lead with your value. Trust that you can be resourceful. As you research options, look beneath the surface. The alchemy of your passions, combined with external needs may create an opportunity for you that hadn't existed before.

Get outside perspective whenever you can. You may not know how good you really are until you leave your fishbowl. When we're sealed up in our own environment, working hard, and focusing on the tasks immediately in front of us, we can lose perspective. So get out there! You may discover that you are further ahead than you thought.

Shifting and changing may cause you to go through some major culture shocks and climate changes. As with every alteration in your life you create or any alteration that comes you way (let's face it, some events are out of your hands), you may feel alien to your new circumstances. Don't worry, you'll grow into them. Soon you'll be more than surviving, you'll be thriving!

BODACIOUS CAREER BUILDER #7: Be honest about how you handle change in your career and life; make a commitment to thrive, not just survive.

Copyright (c) 2007 Mary Foley

Mary Foley, author of Bodacious! Woman: Outrageously in Charge of Your Life and Lovin It! and founder of the Bodacious Womens Club, inspires women to be courageously in charge of their lives. You can be inspired, too! Get the free audio Live Like Your Nail Color! today at .Anita Blog50681
Brunhilde Blog46917

What Will Body Toning and Sculpting Do for Me?

Magazines and other fitness sources tout the benefits of body toning and sculpting for your figure. According to the headlines, you can shrink your body in a short amount of time, lose the excess weight that you have, and create a new figure. But are these promises just too good to be true? The good news is that body toning and sculpting can do all of this and more. Here's what you'll want to know in order to add this exercise to your life.

The first thing that people turn to body toning and sculpting for is that physical benefits. When you're performing body sculpting and toning exercises, you can increase your muscle tone, which looks attractive. When used in conjunction with an aerobic fitness plan, you will see these results all the more quickly as you will be burning more calories in doing so. Body sculpting workouts can not, however, take the place of a good diet or regular activity. It takes a comprehensive approach to your health in order to see the full physical benefits. Performing body toning and sculpting exercises every other day will provide the greatest results.

The reason why body toning and sculpting can help you slim down is its ability to increase your metabolism. When you add muscle to your body, you add more calorie burning power. While this can sound like an excuse to eat whatever you want, that's not the case. You will be able to eat more, but if you're looking to lose weight, you still need to create a calorie deficit for each day meaning you have to burn off more than you eat. Over time and body sculpting workouts, you will find that it's easier to keep your lost weight off, but when you're just beginning to slim down, you need to remember that your diet does matter, even if your metabolism is speeding up.

What the magazines don't tell you about body toning and sculpting is that you're also strengthening your bones as you gain muscle. As women age, for example, their bones can become weaker. To help bolster their bones, resistance training like body sculpting is recommended by many researchers and other health experts. Men can reap some of these same benefits, though they're not necessarily predisposed to bone loss as women are. Other health benefits include increased energy, increased resistance to disease, and lowered risk of injury during activity.

While you might start a body toning and sculpting program to help you slim down or buff up, it's the health benefits that you gain along the way that should keep you coming back for more.

Machelle Lee owns and operates, The Invisible Gym in Santa Cruz, CA. Her mission is to inspire people to become physically active and enjoy the benefits of a balanced, healthy lifestyle. For more information and questions you can visit her website. Blog42751
Barbi Blog64258

What Is - Part 4 has become, by far, one of the most popular Internet sites on the World Wide Web today. Now, people from many countries can create a profile, customize it with premade layouts like those offered by and instantly gain access to the many features and benefits the service has to offer. Not only has it enabled users to chat with old friends, meet new ones, and share common interests with many others simultaneously, it has also given many professionals the platform they need to showcase their products, services, and many talents. Many independent music artists, filmmakers, and comedians have posted information about themselves, as well as files available for download so that everyone can enjoy their various sources of entertainment. Many celebrities have also created pages so that they can interact more with fans, while also giving the fans yet another means by which to discuss their favorite celebrity or artist. While this all sounds great on the surface, there have, however, been significant difficulties that have resulted in legal issues. These issues have affected many users.

In recent months, users of have had difficulties getting in to and maintaining their sites. Some have even found their information to have disappeared altogether, thus making it necessary for them to re-create their entire profile and all subsequent pages. It was quickly discovered that this was a result of computer hacking, which has happened to many users.

While identity theft is certainly something that has become more common and more feared in recent years, many users probably didnt imagine someone would hack into their pages to steel their information. This has become a grave concern of many computer users over the past decade, as more and more people are beginning to conduct business online.

Now, many people pay bills, shop, and conduct other various forms of business that require them to share pieces of personal information. This information can include a social security number, bank account number, credit card information, mailing address, phone number, and even E-mail address. While much of this information isnt required on the site, (only E-mail address and name are required), users are given the choice to include various other pieces of information that could, in turn, harm them if placed in the wrong hands.

The argument can be made, however, that just about any piece of information can be traced if the person tracing it is experienced and knows just where to look, and that doesnt ask for any information that could put its users in danger of identity theft. has subsequently taken legal action to prevent such occurrences from happening again, and have since taken steps to keep its users as safe as possible. Users are also cautioned to provide only information they wouldnt mind others knowing, and to be careful not to reveal anything that could cause them harm. It should also be noted that isnt the only site of its kind to experience such issues, and they are sure to pop up almost anywhere. The key is to be careful, be aware, and to report anything that seems like it might be suspicious. This will not only help keep you safe, it will help others remain safe as well.

Magalie Noel Dresse is the Webmaster of which offers myspace layouts for free.Annabal Blog83633
Cass Blog70637

Creative Writing: Tips To Make Your Creative Written Work Sell

Creative writing is one of the most difficult jobs in the world. However, you really don't need a special talent for it. What you need is a paper, a pen and a very good imagination that is worthy of telling your story to other people.

With good imagination, you can really capture your audience's minds and keep them reading your work. However, you have to know that a good imagination is simply not enough when you are writing. You also need to consider quite a few things first before you start writing.

It is a fact that many authors find it hard to write an article or a novel. So, if you are experiencing difficulty in writing an article or a novel, it is just natural. The first thing you need to consider is to have an appropriate environment in order for you to concentrate on work. Create your own writing environment to enable you to write more effectively and think more effectively. Consider the clothes you wear, the music you want to hear while writing, the temperature of the room, the lighting, the chair and a lot more. You should be comfortable with all these things. If you are, you will find it easier to write.

You will also need to have a writing schedule. You have to remember that nothing can be more frustrating when writing when someone is always barging in your writing time. You need to know when you can write in order to avoid interruptions from friends, family, co-workers or whomever that may interrupt you when you are writing. You have to concentrate on writing so you have to turn off anything that will interrupt you. Consider diverting all calls to a machine, turn off your pager, mobile phones, PDA and others that may interrupt you. Remember that you will be in another world in creative writing; you have to get out of the real world.

It is recommended that you should write when you are at your mental best or when you are not tired. However, some of the best novels were written on hours that would normally be your bedtime, try and write during these hours and determine if it will indeed affect your writing positively. If it doesn't, you should stick to your regular schedule where your mental state is at its prime.

If you are writing about a character, you should relate to them. Imagine you are that character and know their different behaviors and talk to an imaginary character. By doing this, you can effectively show your characters personality and will definitely make your readers think as if the character is real.

Writing is a very hard task to do. It will affect you physically and mentally. If you want to ease the tension, you have to invest in good writing tools that are readily available in the market. A fast desktop computer is a great way to start and as well as a writing software program that will enable you to write more effectively. It is also recommended that you purchase a large flat screen monitor to make it easier for your eyes.

These are some of the things you need for you to be able to write more effectively. Creative writing is a very tiring task to do, by following these advices, you will definitely write a good novel that everyone will surely buy.

Mario Churchill is a freelance author and has written over 200 articles on various subjects. For more information checkout and Blog2058
Caryn Blog84047

The Best Way To Find Inexpensive Dental Plans

Whether you're aware of it or not, there are still inexpensive dental plans available out there. The difficulty that most people have in finding them is that they're still looking for traditional dental insurance, which, unfortunately, is not the way to go nowadays.

A few years ago many people were able to get dental insurance through their work, but now most employers simply can't afford dental insurance, or health insurance for that matter, which leads many people forced to find something in the private sector or pay full price out of pocket for their dental work.

The inexpensive dental plans at all is referring to are not dental insurance, but are known as discount dental plans. Discount dental plans, also known as dental discount plans, are simply a discounted fee-for-service program were certain qualified dentists will give substantial discounts to their patients if they'll pay cash at the time of their visit. If you think about it, this is an excellent deal. The me give view an example of the type of savings that you can enjoy by using a dental discount plan.

Let's just say that you are in need of Single Crown - Porcelain on Noble Metal. Now this is only an example, but this should give you a general idea of what you could expect by buying one of these inexpensive dental plans. The usual cost for this type of procedure would be in the range of $850.00, however, by using one of these inexpensive dental plans, and paying cash at the time of the visit, you can reduce your cost only down to $455.00. That is a savings of $395.00 off of the regular cost just for paying cash when you see the dentist.

This particular example was based on the Scottsdale, Arizona area. Your actual savings could be more or less, depending on the area in which you live. Savings tend to be higher in metropolitan areas because there are more dentists there and they are more competitive.

The cost for this particular plan is only $119.95 for an individual or $159.95 for a family for an entire year. If you deduct $159.95 from the $455 savings in the above example, you'll end up with a total savings of $295.05 just on this one procedure alone.

If you're an individual and deducted $119.95 from the $455 savings, then your total savings would be $335.05 off of this procedure. Keep in mind that you still have the entire year to get any other dental procedures taking care of that you might be in need of. I recommend that you take the opportunity to look into these inexpensive dental plans.

Joe Stewart is a former Life And Health Agent that now works for himself by helping others. Watch the new video "Dental Discount Plans vs Dental Insurance" by visiting Blog18872
Brana Blog28569

My Credits Not THAT Bad! The Real Story!

If you've have ever applied for a charge account, a personal loan, insurance, or a job, there's a file on you. This file contains information on where you work and live, how you pay your bills, and whether you've been sued, arrested, or filed for bankruptcy.

The companies that gather and sell this information are called Consumer Reporting Agencies (CRAs). The most common type of a CRA is the credit bureau. The information CRAs sell is called a consumer credit report.

The errors that occur at the 3 major Credit Reporting Bureaus has reached staggering numbers. With over 75 percent of all credit reports containing some sort of error, the vast majority of consumers has been or will be affected by a problem with inaccurate credit history. At least 25 percent of credit reports contain errors so severe that it would cause a loan or mortgage application to be denied.

The Fair Credit Reporting Act, enforced by the Federal Trade Commission, is supposed to ensure accuracy and the privacy of the information used in consumer reports. Recent amendments to the Act expand your rights and place additional requirements on CRAs. Businesses that supply information about you to CRAs and those that use consumer reports also have new responsibilities under the law.

Here are some important questions and answers about your rights under Federal Law.

Q. How do I find the CRA that has my report?

A. Contact the CRAs listed in the Yellow Pages under "credit" or "credit rating and reporting." Because more than one CRA may have a file on you, call each until you locate all the agencies maintaining your file. The three major national credit bureaus are:
P.O. Box 740241
Atlanta, GA 30374-0241
(800) 685-1111.

P.O. Box 2104
Allen, TX 75013
(888) EXPERIAN (888-397-3742).

Trans Union
P.O. Box 1000
Chester, PA 19022
(800) 916-8800.

This is really important. Anyone who takes action against you in response to a report supplied by a CRA -- such as denying your application for credit, insurance, or employment -- must give you the name, address, and telephone number of the CRA that provided the report.

Q. Do I have a right to know what's in my report?

A. Yes you do but you MUST ask for it. The CRA must tell you everything in your report, including medical information, and in most cases, the sources of the information. The CRA also must give you a list of everyone who has requested your report within the past year -- two years for employment related requests.

Q. Is there a charge for my report?

A. Sometimes. The good news is that there's no charge if a company takes adverse action against you, such as denying your application for credit, insurance or employment, and you request your report within 60 days of receiving that notice of the action. The notice will give you the name, address, and phone number of the CRA. In addition, you're entitled to one free report a year (1) you're unemployed and plan to look for a job within 60 days, (2) you're on welfare, or (3) your report is inaccurate because of fraud. Otherwise, a CRA may charge you up to $9 for a copy of your report. The amount varies by state.

Q. What can I do about inaccurate or incomplete information?

A. Under the new law, both the CRA and the information provider have responsibilities for correcting inaccurate or incomplete information in your report. To protect all your rights under this law, contact both the CRA and the information provider.

First, tell the CRA in writing what information you believe is inaccurate. CRAs must reinvestigate the items in question - usually within 30 days -- unless they consider your dispute frivolous.

Now we get to the good part. If you have several items to dispute and submit them at the same time the CRA will almost always consider your dispute frivolous. Sorry, thats just the way it is. Your best bet is to dispute one or two items at a time. Send your letter, wait two weeks, send the next letter and so on. Best idea is to find something wrong with what is being reported. Check the details. Are the dates correct, the amount correct, the payments correct? Do you even owe the debt? Was it paid off?

The CRA must forward all relevant data you provide about the dispute to the information provider. After the information provider receives notice of a dispute from the CRA, it must investigate, review all relevant information provided by the CRA, and report the results to the CRA. If the information provider finds the disputed information to be inaccurate, it must notify all nationwide CRAs so that they can correct this information in your file.

Now for the REAL story. The information provider will almost always responds saying they investigated and the debt is valid. That's all it takes for the CRA to substantiate the debt and tell you to take a hike. Now think about it, you have a debt that is not yours and you go to the CRA to dispute it. They send a letter and to the no good company reporting you as a deadbeat and asked them to substantiate a non-existent debt. To add insult to injury that no good company tells the CRA its good debt and your SOL.

When the reinvestigation is complete and its favorable to you, the CRA must give you the written results and a free copy of your report. If an item is changed or removed, the CRA cannot put the disputed information back in your file unless the information provider verifies its accuracy and completeness, and the CRA gives you a written notice that includes the name, address, and phone number of the provider.

Second, tell the creditor or other information provider in writing that you dispute an item. Many providers specify an address for disputes. If the provider then reports the item to any CRA, it must include a notice of your dispute. In addition, if you are correct -- that is, if the information is inaccurate -- the information provider may not use it again.

Personally, after helping dozens of people clear negative, incorrect information from their credit reports I can tell in option 1 is a necessary step but for the most part a useless step. Going right to the creditor and documenting the attempt is by far the best way to remove the inaccurate information on your credit reports. After disputing the information to the creditor, documenting the attempt, and documenting the non response of the creditor you have irrefutable evidence to present to the credit bureau. According to the federal law they have no choice but to remove the incomplete or inaccurate information

Q. What can I do if the CRA or information provider won't correct the information I dispute?

A. A reinvestigation may not resolve your dispute with the CRA. If that's the case, ask the CRA to include your statement of the dispute in your file and in future reports. If you request, the CRA also will provide your statement to anyone who received a copy of the old report in the recent past. There usually is a fee for this service.

If you tell the information provider that you dispute an item, a notice of your dispute must be included anytime the information provider reports the item to a CRA.

Q. Can my employer get my report?

A. Only if you say it's okay. A CRA may not supply information about you to your employer, or to a prospective employer, without your consent.

Q. Can creditors, employers, or insurers get a report that contains medical information about me?

A. Not without your approval.

Q. What should I know about "investigative consumer reports"?

A. "Investigative consumer reports" are detailed reports that involve interviews with your neighbors or acquaintances about your lifestyle, character, and reputation. They may be used in connection with insurance and employment applications. You'll be notified in writing when a company orders such a report. The notice will explain your right to request certain information about the report from the company you applied to. If your application is rejected, you may get additional information from the CRA. However, the CRA does not have to reveal the sources of the information.

Q. How long can a CRA report negative information?

A. Seven years from the day the debt went bad. But there are certain exceptions:

Information about criminal convictions may be reported without any time limitation.
Bankruptcy information may be reported for 10 years.
Information reported in response to an application for a job with a salary of more than $75,000 has no time limit.
Information reported because of an application for more than $150,000 worth of credit or life insurance has no time limit.
Information about a lawsuit or an unpaid judgment against you can be reported for seven years or until the statute of limitations runs out, whichever is longer.

Q. Can anyone get a copy of my report?

A. No. Only people with a legitimate business need, as recognized by the FCRA. For example, a company is allowed to get your report if you apply for credit, insurance, employment, or to rent an apartment.

The truth is that just about anyone can get your credit report for just about any reason. How it works. I want information on you. I go to one of thousands of small businesses that have access to the CRAs and say I do have a legitimate reason for wanting the information. I say you are applying for a job or you want to buy my car on time payments and I want to be sure your legit. Thats all it takes, Ive got everything I need to know about you. Can kid yourself, this happens thousands of times every day across the nation. You can even do it on the Internet. There are thousand of companies that will get you information on anyone you want if you're willing to pay a few bucks.

Q. How can I stop a CRA from including me on lists for unsolicited credit and insurance offers?

A. Creditors and insurers may use CRA file information as a basis for sending you unsolicited offers. These offers must include a toll-free number for you to call if you want to remove your name and address from lists for two years; completing a form that the CRA provides for this purpose will keep your name off the lists permanently.

And the rest of the story he is: Call those numbers and see how successful you're getting removed. Those toll-free numbers are the reason I use high blood pressure medicine now. And by the way, I never did get removed.

Q. Do I have the right to sue for damages?

A. You may sue a CRA, a user or -- in some cases -- a provider of CRA data, in state or federal court for most violations of the FCRA. If you win, the defendant will have to pay damages and reimburse you for attorney fees to the extent ordered by the court.

Q. Are there other laws I should know about?

A. Yes. If your credit application was denied, the Equal Credit Opportunity Act requires creditors to specify why -- if you ask. For example, the creditor must tell you whether you were denied because you have "no credit file" with a CRA or because the CRA says you have "delinquent obligations." The ECOA also requires creditors to consider additional information you might supply about your credit history. You may want to find out why the creditor denied your application before you contact the CRA.

Tom Sheltraw is the content manager of several websites covering all aspects of making and saving money. He owns and operates helping you to Make Extra Cash because, Being Broke .... SUCKS. For a FREE money making report go to: Click now for your FREE Report! Publishing guidelines: Please feel free to publish this article as long as its contents and resource box remain unchanged.Caressa Blog82392
Bertha Blog39159

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